My Philosophy

The most powerful “stop sign” is the one we place in front of ourselves.   Challenging our assumptions about ourselves and others is a first step toward breaking through that barrier.  Very little significance can be created and executed alone.  We need to learn to work effectively with others.   Taking responsibility and holding oneself accountable are fundamental life skills.  We can approach the future through “Drift or Design”, gain more insight into ourselves and the world we live in, and embrace possibilities.  Leadership is about courage in action and letting go of waiting and hoping.

What I do

I provide group training and individual coaching for companies across all industries and geographies.  Most of my clients are in the tech industry and I have also worked with health care, manufacturing, charities, cosmetics, banking, local communities and attractions.  What do all of these industries have in common?  People, Customers, Leaders and Processes!  Machines tend to be predictable and don’t get mad at you, but human beings are unpredictable and emotional.  Producing a cohesive team dedicated to creating an Extraordinary Customer Experience requires rigorous processes,  an empowered workforce and enlightened leadership.  This magical combination doesn’t happen by accident….it’s both a top down and bottom up approach.  I especially help technical teams and engineers understand and master nebulous concepts like trust, accountability, communication, and empathy, not as “goodness”, but as “process”.


What I Stand For

  • The possibility that people are alive and energized by the power within them.
  • People making a difference in the lives of others
  • Turning moods of resentment and resignation into ambition
  • “Taking off My Afraid and Putting on My Coat of Courage”, as one client proclaimed to me
  • Choosing empowerment vs. obedience
  • Building resilience so that we can not just cope, but thrive in the world coming at us
  • Understanding and leveraging ourselves….our temperamental strengths and weaknesses and our culturally distinctive tendencies….to work more effectively with others

Where I Work

I am a citizen of both Canada and the US.  I live in Sunderland, Ontario.  Additionally I have designed and implemented training and coaching for companies around the world, including Mexico, Brazil, UK, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Czech Republic, Romania, Japan, China, Thailand, Singapore and Malaysia.  I have learned to be a “Student of Zoom” which allows virtual training and coaching regardless of location.  I look forward to building relationships with new clients in all cultures.


My Customers

I have over 30 years of experience working with organizations including TE Connectivity, Season Group, Celestica, Polaris Transportation, Goodyear Canada, Extrudex Aluminum, Little Canada, Cisco Systems, Creation Technologies, Southwire Canada, Marble Renewal, Ontario Power Generation, J-Squared Technologies and Schleese Saddlery.


How I Can Help

I enjoy working with companies of all industries who adopt a strategy of offering added value to their customer. I am eager to build a relationship with any organization that wants to add value that extends beyond simple customer service.

Are you new to the business world? See yourself as a Subject Matter Expert but a Rookie in Customer Relationship Management?