How much is a loyal customer worth? What does it cost us when customers go elsewhere?

My signature program, “Customers for Keeps” helps your organization create a uniquely positive customer experience for every client, every time

How much is a loyal customer worth? What does it cost us when customers go elsewhere?

Today, product quality and competitive prices are not enough to secure customer loyalty. Sixty-eight percent of customers stop dealing with a supplier because of indifference to customer needs.  The primary role of every employee, from leadership to front-line contacts to internal workers, is to contribute to a positive Customer Experience. We can show your employees how to create a uniquely positive customer experience.

We provide the tools you need to deliver a positive Customer Experience to every client….every time.

The primary role of every employee is to contribute to a positive Customer Experience!

Choose the training option that works for your company: A keynote presentation, a half-day introductory workshop, or intensive, skill-building, multi-day training.

You will discover

  • How to avoid actions that produce “Customers from Hell” and instead instigate actions that produce “Customers as Partners”
  • How to discard conventional wisdom that undermines true business partnerships

  • How to provide benefits customers don’t know they need, and how to identify those needs

  • Effective leadership creates a culture of empowerment and proactivity

  • Trust is the result of a repeatable, systematic process

  • Satisfaction is NOT enough to keep customers loyal


  • More positive customer experiences

  • Higher customer loyalty

  • Increased customer retention

  • Reduced cost of customer acquisition

  • Employee engagement with key customers and their needs

The behaviors associated with Customer Focus require mindset shift, practice, time management, courage and self-esteem. The manager plays a significant role in coaching new behaviors.

Net Promoter Scores plummeting? Customer contact becoming mechanical?